about us
"As long as I can remember, I’ve adored flowers!"
Read on below to find out more about Lilla's extensive experience as a Dublin florist and her passion for infusing originality into her arrangements.
About Our Shop
About Our Ethos
We know our regular customers well, which flowers they love and which they don’t. In fact, many of our regulars and our neighbours become firm friends who pop in for a chat as they’re passing.
We believe that in this era of faceless brands and chatbots, we can provide a special service with that personal touch. In just the same way you have your trusted dentist or hairdresser, we aim to be your trusted florist, where you return time and time again.
About Our Flowers
Our Flowers
Our Style
About Our Owner
Who is Lilla?
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Lonely Bouquet
We absolutely adore the idea of Lonely Bouquet Day!
If you haven’t heard of it, it’s an annual event when florists around the world leave out cute little bouquets and posies to spread a little happiness to people on the street. Whoever finds the arrangement is welcome to adopt the flowers and take them home.
We love the idea so much that we started doing it on random days from time to time, leaving flowers around the city of Dublin to share the love and bring a smile to some stranger’s face.
We leave the flowers in various public locations in a small decorative tin with a note asking a passerby to give them a good home.
See more and our special guest appearance on TV3 at International Lonely Bouquet Day.
Second Chances
A friend of mine rescues animals of all types, particularly horses. It struck me that in my business, so many flowers don’t make the grade and they are rejected like the poor animals at my friend’s shelter.
Whilst necessary to create perfect bouquets to sell in our shop, we really hate to waste anything! Especially since many of these ‘rejects’, whilst not perfect, are still beautiful. So we decided to give away the rejected flowers in exchange for voluntary donations to my friend’s animal rescue charity, My Lovely Horse Rescue.
You’ll find the Second Chances flowers outside our shop next to an honesty box where you can leave a donation of your choice. This way we use our rejected flowers to help the poor rejected animals.
See more about this idea at Second Chances