
Maura's White Christmas Bouquet

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Last year we updated our white bouquet to create something really unique and it was incredibly popular!  As we mentioned in our Christmas blog post, we re-imagined our Christmas products with a whole new feel, and we really love the wintery feel of this bouquet.

We still have the white but we’ve added a range of wonderfully gentle, muted tones, forming a graceful bouquet that departs from run of the mill red and green and really embodies the icy tones of winter.

The foliage in this bouquet is what really stands out, mostly formed from eucalyptus in two beautiful colours; a silvery shade of jade and a frosty lilac.  Icy pink skimmia, aubergine-coloured leucadendron, and black brassica add to these warm, wintery tones.

Fluffy cotton, pampas grass, and ruscus, in white and cream, lift the mood, and there’s just a hint of pretty, cornflower blue from thistles.

We really hope you love this special bouquet as much as we do!

*Products & Design are subject to availability.

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