
Lonely Bouquet at the Green Door Florist

Lonely Bouquet 2015: Last Sunday (June 28th) saw us celebrate Lonely Bouquet Day here at The Green Door Florist for the third year running. An initiative that began in Belgium in 2012, LBD is all about putting smiles on people's faces which is something we're very passionate about 🙂
Lonely Bouquet in a Bottle
The idea is to brighten up street corners and thoroughfares with miniature bouquets and arrangements that passers by are free to adopt to brighten up their own homes. We were very busy bees all through Saturday preparing these guys and were delighted with how our summer flowers looked in these recycled tin which we spray painted our favourite colour 🙂
Lonely Bouquet in a Tin Can
Our driver hit the streets early on Sunday morning delivering over thirty Lonely Bouquets across North Dublin including Killester, Clontarf, Raheny, Artane and Fairview and immediately they began catching eyes. If you happened to come across one we would love to hear from you and we hope it encourages you to take part next year, the tins we used are widely available and wild flowers or flowers from your garden will look just as good as ours.
Paul Daly:
Big thank you I got your lovely bouquet. Great idea I'm smiling all day. It now sits on my kitchen window.

Anne O'Gorman writes:

Sis Helen adopted then gifted lucky me this gorgeous bouquet. Thanks to The Green Door Florist for this bit of fun today.   Further information on LBD can be found here: http://www.thelonelybouquet.com/

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